Es ist bald 5 Monate her und nix geht mit den 5 neuen Programmen :evil:
So habe ich mich entschlossen mal dem neuen Eigentümer von UC ein bisschen was zu schreiben.
Dear Sirs & Ladies,
you have aquired Cablecom Holdings AG on October 25th, 2005. Did you
know that Cablecom has many angry and disappointed customers? Why?
Cablecom is the largest cable company here in Switzerland and most
Households are bound to them. So Cablecom can work as monopoly and
unfortunately, it works this way. Teleclub is another company which
one offers digital tv but does not have it's own cable network. It
distribute over rented channel from Cablecom and other cable companys
and via satellite. Teleclub offers 17 digital tv programmes since
September last year, 5 more than before over the same 1 analogous
channel rented by cablecom. Cablecom refuses to transmit these 5 new
programmes since then to her customers. The controversy between
these two companys is the reason for dissatisfied customers. These new
Teleclub programs are in all other cable networks here in Switzerland
available. I am a customer of Teleclub and would like to decide myself
what to see!
There is no alternative for us at this time to Cablecom but in the near
future Swisscom comes with ADSL Tv and then i think that Cablecom will
lose a lot of customers and money!
I am only a little Swiss person like many others that hate companys
which present such stupid behaviour instead of improve things for their
As the new owner you have the possibility to correct this situation
and it is my and many others hope that it will be corrected. This in
ours and in your own interest.
yours sincerely
[ende Zitat]
sollte was zurückkommen werde ich es hier posten...
p.s.: Bitte nicht schimpfen wegen dem englisch, ich weiss das man das sicher noch besser hätte schreiben können.
So habe ich mich entschlossen mal dem neuen Eigentümer von UC ein bisschen was zu schreiben.
Dear Sirs & Ladies,
you have aquired Cablecom Holdings AG on October 25th, 2005. Did you
know that Cablecom has many angry and disappointed customers? Why?
Cablecom is the largest cable company here in Switzerland and most
Households are bound to them. So Cablecom can work as monopoly and
unfortunately, it works this way. Teleclub is another company which
one offers digital tv but does not have it's own cable network. It
distribute over rented channel from Cablecom and other cable companys
and via satellite. Teleclub offers 17 digital tv programmes since
September last year, 5 more than before over the same 1 analogous
channel rented by cablecom. Cablecom refuses to transmit these 5 new
programmes since then to her customers. The controversy between
these two companys is the reason for dissatisfied customers. These new
Teleclub programs are in all other cable networks here in Switzerland
available. I am a customer of Teleclub and would like to decide myself
what to see!
There is no alternative for us at this time to Cablecom but in the near
future Swisscom comes with ADSL Tv and then i think that Cablecom will
lose a lot of customers and money!
I am only a little Swiss person like many others that hate companys
which present such stupid behaviour instead of improve things for their
As the new owner you have the possibility to correct this situation
and it is my and many others hope that it will be corrected. This in
ours and in your own interest.
yours sincerely
[ende Zitat]
sollte was zurückkommen werde ich es hier posten...
p.s.: Bitte nicht schimpfen wegen dem englisch, ich weiss das man das sicher noch besser hätte schreiben können.